our first island visitors .....
John and Nisreen
went to the beach the first day. John is scoping out the best place
for our newly purchased umbrella to go...
ah yes, and Jordan begins the dig out...
ta dah! Our new umbrella. I didn't realize that I would be the
one digging all those holes for the umbrella after he left for training!!
chillin under the umbrella....dorito style...
in the water. Jordan wanted to play games like "who can hold a handstand the
longest, and who can run the fastest back to the shore." reason #1 I stayed
on the beach. haha
we went to the Aquarium at Kemah that night! It was so pretty inside!
typical guy pose here...
on top of the aquarium is a really neat rooftop terrace. It is so beautiful, we got to see
the sunset on Galveston Bay! and hear the band, as well as see the crazy fire
juggling, chair holding, ball dribbling guy! lol
I love all the oleander bushes in Galveston!
on the beach day 2-notice some of the sunburns...
ahh...relaxing at moody gardens to bands in the sands. The band was actually really
awesome and the fireworks were good too! Again, another beautiful sunset to
enjoy with my honey before he left.=)
then my family came to visit for the 4th of July (notice
our super festive clothing...except josh's purple polo...)
at Kemah again...they'd never been. that's what happens when
you live in a vacation spot, you get to visit all the same places
over and over=) haha
It was SOOOOOO hot on the 4th.
waiting on seawall for the fireworks!!
Josh is not a fan of fireworks by the way. We said he was 'unpatriotic' for that one.
this picture came out really weird, haha. our faces look plastic.

yay! tons of people as you can see. we were kind of sitting far back.
Hotel Galvez for breakfast -so yum.
and then some shots my mom took of me randomly by myself!
of course, I sent them all to jordan, haha.

by the way, I dug the hole for the umbrella this time!
out at the Hilton pool!! soakin it in!
we did the tour at the bishop's palace. it was so neat to see the
beautiful wood and history inside!
Our front at the Bishop's palace. I was so sad to see them go!
I have had more visitors since then, but I'll have to save it for another blog=)
thanks for reading!!