Friday, January 4, 2013

3 Month Old Pics

Conrad was 3 Months old on January 4, 2013:

~Can hold his head up really well.
~Likes to sit in the bumbo for a few minutes:)
~Smiles and laughs A LOT!
~Tries to talk, saying his "g's and k's" now,
lots of drooling, putting things in his mouth,
and precious baby coo's.
~Still has bad reflux, taking Zantac twice a day
~Sleeping 8-10 hours at night, then eating
and sleeping another 3-4 hours
~We started cloth diapers this month!

{I was busy at the beginning of January b/c we traveled so much
 for the holidays, so I actually took these pictures when he was
3.5 months old}

He has on a cloth diaper,
 so he looks thicker in the 

such a happy sweet boy!

Growth comparison:
3 months (top)
2 months
1 month