I must say this week has been SO amazing. I am very grateful for my teaching job. It was so relaxing last week that I could rest in the fact that I didn't have to get up at 6am...to know that I didn't have to go to meetings, AND I didn't have to discipline kids! (Well, I guess maybe I did a little with Jordan..j/k)
The other great thing about last week is that b/c Jordan is still in school he ALSO had the whole week off. We had such a great time together....we were sort of 'forced' to be together every day b/c almost every one we know was either really busy with family or out of town! ha, so that was a nice thing (ask Jordan he might say different...=)
We were able to cook, clean, go Christmas shopping together(NOT on black friday), take our dogs to the vet and on walks, put up our Christmas decorations, go out to eat, SLEEP in, and see MOViES=) We love movies and we hadn't been since the HULK came out, so we went to the movie theater 5 times!! It was great.Thanksgiving was such a blast with all of the family together...we had Thanksgiving at just my parents house b/c Jordan's family was in Ohio with their grandparents all week. I got to see my Aunt, grandparents, siblings, nieces, nephews=it was awesome.
I am so excited now about Christmas break. I know that sounds bad b/c I just had a week off-but I'm excited that I will get to have that time with my family. In the past I've had to work retail jobs that have no regard for family time; and it really takes away the joy of Christmas when you're trying to get that last person to buy that diamond neclace on Christmas Eve at 5:30. So I will be VERY thankful this year to have the 2 weeks off to spend with family!! Not to mention I won't have to work on my BDAY-woohoo!!
But, I am nervous about this next 2 weeks coming up b/c of the Christmas program coming up-its my first one and I hope the kids didn't forget ALL the words over the break-yeesh. I guess we'll find out!!
Hope your week was enjoyable=) The pics above are 1. My brother matt and his family (Alethea, Peyton and Madeline)
2. My other brother Josh w/ his gf Jennifer 3. Is Jordan getting out MANCALA game ready-we played it a million times this week together-it's a lot of fun!! 4. Jordan and I on Thanksgiving 5. The doggies at my parents house! 6. My mom and I cooking in the kitchen for Thanksgiving! and 7. Is Jordan and I at Victory Park eating before we go to the STARS game=)
I really enjoyed you being off work so we could get together for
movies & Thanksgiving. This year
Thanksgiving was fun and it is mostly because you helped me SOOO much. Even with our messed up pies
& banana pudding it was still alot
of fun. I am looking forward to
Christmas and our family trip.
I love movies too! 5 times, that is crazy!
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