Sunday, November 7, 2010

Parents in Town!!!

Going to Oktoberfest downtown!!!

It was hosted by First Lutheran of Galveston

So glad to have my hubby back after TEst day!!

Our friends sabotaging our pictures!!

Adam and Stacy, bein silly
Phil and Amanda

Our Groupe of friends!!!!

There was a great band, and Jordan couldn't resist showing off his moves!


Watching the end of the Rangers vs. Yankee's game after that...let's just remember
how great that was...

Sitting out on the porch after all that fun!!!

Next day meeting up with Jordan at the Wings Over Houston Air Show
(he was asked to volunteer at the medical clinic there that morning)

walking around lookin at stuff!

ready to see some planes!!

IT was a gorgeous day, but a little windy!!!

his extra shirt became his 'sun shield' for his neck....classy.

Here are some pics I took of the Thunderbirds:


Planes after they landed:

My parents left early Sunday morning. We really enjoyed having them here and getting
to experience such fun stuff together here on the island!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Party! Party! Party!