Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 17-Gender Reveal

On May 11th Jordan finished his last class of 2nd year! It also meant
exactly one month until his 1st Board Exam. 
The following week we had our 17 week sonogram.
This was our first appointment since the move,
and with our new doctor. We chose Dr. Cowan,
at Austin Area OBGYN. He is really friendly,
we love the staff and the hospital is close by!!

This is us anxiously waiting in the exam room...
can't wait to find out if our baby is a boy or girl!

17 week picture! baby bump:)

OK, so funny story about this whole 
"finding out the gender situation"...
As you know, we live in Austin now, and all
of our family lives in Dallas. And because of Jordan's 
strict studying schedule he did not have time to go to Dallas
for a real gender reveal I had to get creative 
(because I really wanted one!) 
Anyway, so I decided we would have a "Skype gender reveal party"
Where we would do his side of the family online at 7:30 and my side
of the family online at 8:00pm that evening (May 17th).
I had called local bakeries (near each family) earlier that week and let them know 
ahead of time I would be calling on Thursday morning to give
them the correct "gender color" to put inside the cake balls.
My family was going to pick up their own cake balls (with the secret
color inside) and take them to the Skype party.
Then, we would all bite in, via Skype to find out, sounds fun right?!

Well.....little baby Carl was not quite wanting to 
cooperate with this master plan I had going. And I
had no idea he would be such a little stinker:)
THIS is the position the baby would not move out of at 
8:15am that morning at the Dr's office when we were trying to find 
out the gender! All curled up in a little ball. 
I felt so bad, the Doctor looked for about 10 minutes,
and he was pretty determined, with no luck. 
Then, he sent in one of the nurses that does a lot of sonograms,
and still no luck....

Here's a headshot....not really what we were going for though;)

Anyway, I had already told them about our planned party that
evening, and they felt bad they couldn't find "it".
The Doctor was saying maybe the baby is a girl since 
its all curled up, but he just couldn't get a good enough look
to say for sure. He told me to come back at 1:00 after lunch (and
drink a coke!) so the baby is hopefully in a new position
and we can see if its a boy or girl for the party.
We thought that was so nice of them!

We left the Doctor's office completely confused:) Since 
our last appointment we were thinking it would for sure be a boy, right?
Well, then after the doctor made that "girl" comment...I was all in a tizzy.
I was not prepared for a girl! I was so nervous now...

I called the bakeries and let them know, they were all
nice enough to wait until I knew (hopefully!) later in the day.

We went back, and alas! The nurse was determined enough
and she found the gender (after about 10 more minutes of poking around:)
And the doctor came in to confirm. Whew! Now I was excited to 
tell family!! We were not strong enough to do the whole "give the secret
envelope to the bakery" I wasn't in a position to since I had to
tell the bakery what color to do, but its ok because I don't like secrets!

7:30pm couldn't come soon enough!
Evite I sent out to family up on my iPad next to the little
baby box of cake balls that I got for Jordan and I to partake 
in the festivities with:)
logging on!!
(please excuse the mess on my desk!)

Here we have Jordan's family first.
There are 3 screens because Jeff and Becca's
family are in Kansas on their computer,
as well as the Carls family at their house:
handing out cake balls!

Getting ready for the big bite!
EEK!! Surprise!!!!!!

Next up, my family-they graciously all went to one
house so we didn't have to do too many screens. It was funny
when we asked everyone their "guess" at whether it was a boy
or girl...Madeline said "Its a Kitty!" haha! We're glad she 
was wrong! lol.

(we are in the bottom right corner-heehee)

I just now noticed that Peyton didn't bite in! haha!

Laughing at their responses:)

Oh ya, and for those of you who are still wondering....
(this shot is looking up at his between
his 2 legs)
and we have decided to name him CONRAD!
Conrad is a family name on Jordan's side. It's Jordan's 
6th Great Grandfather, and will be Conrad's 7th great.
We still have yet to decide on the middle name though...

These were the 2 video's we took of our family's saying
"Hi to Conrad!" I'm sure we'll show him this one day
and he'll just think its so cool that we celebrated his genitalia 
today as well as showing it around the web. lol...

After the party, we were sitting in the living room 
watching some sports and someone knocked on our door!
Who could that be??! It was almost 10pm...
Low and behold, it was our awesome friends,
Josh and Taylor Lord who were SO sweet to 
come by, congratulate us AND bring gifts!! 
Our first ever baby gifts-and they are for a BOY!!

How stinkin' cute is that? Thank you so much!!! 
We love you guys!

We were so excited to finally put a name to our precious little 
baby:) And we were blessed to share this night with our family-and friends!
We wish we could have been with our family in person, but thanks 
to the internet, we got the next best thing!

Conrad Carl, we cannot wait to meet you. 
We love you!!


Ginni said...

Such a creative gender reveal Rachel! And I love the name so cute!

jordanandrachel said...

Thank you!:)