Thursday, August 16, 2012

2nd Trimester Photo Shoot

At the end of 24 weeks, my friend, Taylor Lord took pictures of me again!
{The 1st Trimester photo shoot can be seen here}
For the 2nd Trimester photos I wanted to take them in Austin,
so Taylor took me to the Red Bud Isle Park.
I loved the boyish, outdoors look, and even though it was
incredibly hot, we had a blast!
I feel like Jordan & I have learned so much since the last shoot and I had
so many sentimental things/props to use:)
Here are a few of the new things:
-We found out he was a BOY!
-The newborn outfit, was his first official "newborn outfit" he got.
-The stack of books are all the pregnancy books
I am currently or will be reading before he comes!
-The Mother's Love necklace, my 1st Mother's Day gift given to me by Jordan
-The sign consists of all the names (first and middle) we were
considering before we decided on his name:
Conrad Mason

I love the way the colors turned out, she did a great job!

Can't wait for 3rd Trimester:)

Excited to know the gender, and name of our precious baby.

Thanks for stopping by:)



carlj said...

You are beautiful. Conrad = awesome.

jordanandrachel said...

Thank you babe:) can't wait for you to be in some pics! haha.