Friday, January 4, 2013

3 Month Old Pics

Conrad was 3 Months old on January 4, 2013:

~Can hold his head up really well.
~Likes to sit in the bumbo for a few minutes:)
~Smiles and laughs A LOT!
~Tries to talk, saying his "g's and k's" now,
lots of drooling, putting things in his mouth,
and precious baby coo's.
~Still has bad reflux, taking Zantac twice a day
~Sleeping 8-10 hours at night, then eating
and sleeping another 3-4 hours
~We started cloth diapers this month!

{I was busy at the beginning of January b/c we traveled so much
 for the holidays, so I actually took these pictures when he was
3.5 months old}

He has on a cloth diaper,
 so he looks thicker in the 

such a happy sweet boy!

Growth comparison:
3 months (top)
2 months
1 month


Unknown said...

I recently found your blog when looking for nurseries containing Ikea furniture. I love how you have the monthly pictures taken on the changing pad, it looks lovely comparing the three. I'll be stealing this idea for our firstborn!

jordanandrachel said...

Haley, I'm so glad you found some ideas you like;) Good luck!