Sunday, June 2, 2013

7 Month Old Pics

 At 7 months old, Conrad was cast free!! He is ready and excited to crawl! He is doing really well with sitting up (can do it mainly on his own), eating solids now 3 times a day, nursing 3-4 times and sleeping through the night (yay!) He did get an ear infection when he was 7.5 months old, and at that appointment I found out he weighed 19.1 lbs and was 26.5 inches long, so he's growing quickly!
Everyone comments on what a little chunker he is, and what a great smile he has! He is such a sweetie, so playful and brings us so much joy.

Looks like he can almost reach the banner...

"Hey mom...can I grab this??"

"Can you still see me?"

There's that smile I love so much!

Look how well he's sitting up!

Oh...whoops. haha.


Lauren Coats said...

Sawyer is 2-years-old and only weighs 23 lbs! Conrad is a chunker like you said! :) (Dayton is, too!)

Rachel's Mom said...

He does have the cutest smiles.

jordanandrachel said...
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