Wednesday, April 8, 2009

don't laugh ok? =)

Bella has been doing really well in her training these days. She's been working 'off leash' the past couple weeks and doing really well. She is so funny to watch-her furry little body runnin all over these big obstacles and stuff. I am hoping to compete with her in May, so I will let everyone know as soon as I know!! I finally took some pics of us going some of our tricks when my mom was there. I had to keep her on the leash for pics b/c I was kind of going in 'slow motion' and she wouldn't have 'posed' had I not. lol....

Bella goin over the 'walk it' Coming throug the tunnel!

Goin over a mini jump!! She loves the 'walk it'-look how fast she goes!

Lookin at me, showin her 'sit'. Just finishing a jump..little bit higher

Huffin and puffin=) About to do a big jump=)

-this is
And the scramble=really likes this one b/c it makes her feel like a 'big dog'=) where we train.

Let's not forget Zeus, who gets 'attacked' by Bella daily......

He's so good at being pretty though, and of course, this is him doing his best trick-making a bed. We love our Zeus too though!!=)
I love that God gives us the things we need sometimes in mysterious ways=) Obviously Jordan and I don't have any kids yet, but I have definetely enjoyed having my two little doggies to love on!! They are sort of like our 'kids' right now=) I think about them on my way home, Jordan and I talk about them when we're out on dates, I take them places with me..its pretty funny. Now OBVIOUSLY they are nothing like actually having kids, that's not what I'm saying, its just cute how we love them so much, and they make us laugh. They are a such little blessings in our lives.
**On a different note, please keep Jordan in your prayers-he re-takes his MCAT on May 1st and finding time to study between work and his already demanding classes can be quite the challenge. At least he's graduating in 5 weeks!=)

1 comment:

Casey & Lauren Coats said...

i feel so honored to have made it to the "favorite things" list! yay! :)

PS. Zeus really does look like a skunk, and i like it :)