Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Break 09...

Let me start with the week before Thanksgiving,
I went with Jordan to Blue Mesa to one of his friend's birthday parties...
just thought you might like to see some of Jordan's study buddy/friends at UNTHSC:

Far Left Picture: is Marai, Jordan, John and Carlton, next pic: Marai and Nisreen
Obviously Jordan and I here!

This is where Jordan was on Thanksgiving morning...

Yummy fruit pizza at breakfast when they had gotten back from the trot!


Then after that we went over to my parents house for some more food!!

My parent cookin in the kitchen, grandkids upstairs playing!

My mom and I

My 2 brothers and their significant others!!

Me and MINE!

Jordan before he ate......and after he ate...

Madeline loves Bella-Me too!! She's yawning here...

My mom and Peyton read a Christmas Sweater before we left

Back to the Carls to celebrate Mr Carl's birthday!!

Playing the game: How Tall Am I? fun times!

It was good to be with Jordan and our families before his finals and school got crazy!
My 4th graders did a GREAT job on their program,
it was a huge hit and there were so many people there to see them!
 I made a video of it if anyone wants to see it!!
My choir's Christmas concerts were also very good, I will say though,
 it is nice to be done with all of the performances. Only one week left
before Christmas break-I cannot wait!!!
Jordan finished with his finals on December 12th and he doesn't go
back until the 2nd week of January! It will be nice to have him around and unstressed!
You might not see much pictures for a while b/c my camera did
 break at the PTA program...I need to get it fixed or something, we'll see.
Talk to you soon and have a great week!


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

i would like to run the turkey trot myself one day - i think it'd be cool to eventually run a marathon, too... if i ever get at all motivated, maybe i'll train to do that one day! care to join me? :)

jordanandrachel said...

ya lauren! let's walk it with our dogs! you can do that you know! although, zeus would probably need the stroller after 5 minutes....