Monday, February 15, 2010

winter festivities!

Since I can't find my camera cord to upload the pictures from the snow....
I guess I will upload these pictures from a while back:
We had a paint day at church a few Saturday's ago to get rid of 
some graffiti the youth had put on the walls over the years, and
also just to freshen up some of the Sunday School rooms:
Joey (our drummer) had put this paint on the wall when he was in HS there!

That same weekend we had a wedding to go to (one of Jordan's friends from DBU)
and this time JORDAN was the one in the wedding!!!
it was so nice to not have to worry about all the extra stuff and just go and enjoy=)

Me about to head to the Rehearsal Dinner-I took a pic b/c it was the first time
I could just show up to the dinner part and didn't have to go to the rehearsal! lol
The picture next to that is their stunning guest table-LOVE the handmade book!!

Instead of favors, they donated Bibles to the Armed Forces.
There were different Bibles for each branch of the military,
and inside the Bible was a place to write a note to one of the soldiers.
I LOVE this idea!!!!

Waiting for the Bride and Groom at the reception=)
Look at Jordan in his pink-how stunning!!

They had this neat art on the wall-very nice.
There is the newlywed couple-Matt and Ivy! And Jordan and I at our table.
The next day Bella and Zeus got special Valentine's grooms-what was special you might
ask? Just the fact that they hadn't been groomed in over 2 months and they got
Valentine's bows and bandana's-which lasted all of about 5 minutes.
Look at them posing....the only way I got them to sit still was with treats=)

She's focusing hard on the treat setting right above the camera lense.
but I still love this picture-she is sooo cute!

Treats:work wonders.
hope you got some yummy treats for Valentine's Day! I bought myself some really good
chocolate-so now I better make sure I work out! 
I got back from my TMEA (TExas Music Educators Association) conference
that was in San Antonio on Saturday night. (Jordan came and picked me up).
It was quite a blast! I got to see a ton of old friends from DBU there-teachers and
student teachers-and go to a lot of fun and informative workshops.
The only downside of being out of town was I missed the huge snowstorm on Thursday!
OK, I know it wasn't a 'storm' but it stinks I missed all the snow!!
And as far as Valentine's goes-b/c of the snow and closing of schools Friday-Jordan's
test got moved to Monday, so we didn't get to celebrate. Apparently we are going
to celebrate this weekend.....<3
I did get a few pictures on Sunday morning when we got back, and when I find
my cord I will post them!! =)


carlj said...

The dogs look really cute but you look absolutely beautiful in your dress.

Love you and good work with the blog.

Casey & Lauren Coats said...

the dogs are hilariously still! haha! very cute! :)