Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Telling the family!

I am severely behind on blog posts, and I need to catch up b/c 
I would really like to post more about the pregnancy. 
Its wedding season so I am pretty swamped, but
thankful for all the business.
Anyway, the week after our 1st doctor
appointment where they confirmed the pregnancy 
we went to Dallas to tell our families in person;)
We got there very late on Friday, the 24th.
I had made these little shirts for the dogs
to wear to announce the pregnancy. 
It was the most creative thing I could think of,
and kind of funny-haha!
When the pups came in at first they didn't get it,
but then we told them to read their shirts and
Mrs. Carl screamed! She then proceeded to hug
us and give us congrats;) Gabe and Emma 
looked straight at my stomach when they found 
out, it was pretty funny:) We were like 
"the belly will come later...haha"
Here are the pups in their goofy outfits.
We had planned to tell my side of the family
Saturday night at bowling;)
Saturday morning my parents and Josh and Jennifer
had asked me to go to breakfast with them at
Cracker Barrel. I was the only one to go b/c 
Jordan was helping his parents
 move into their new house.
I got to Cracker Barrel and Josh and Jennifer
told me that they had something to tell me:
they were expecting! And their due date
was late October! I was so speechless.
I didn't know what to say! I mean, literally-
do I tell them now? Will that steal her thunder?
Jordan isn't even here with me!
So I immediately started texting Jordan what was
going on and asking him what he thought I should do.
He told me to go ahead and tell them.
I was so nervous, but I said, "Well,
its gonna be interesting in October
b/c I'll be in Austin and y'all will be 
here in Dallas and we have the same 
due date!" 
All 4 of them went quiet. They weren't quite 
sure what I was even saying...then Josh said, 
"wait, what? you're due date?" I said,
"yea, we're due in October too!"
They all immediately screamed, jumped 
up and we all started hugging and shedding tears.
It was such an awesome moment, one I 
wish Jordan was there for, but still neat nonetheless.
I told them we were planning to share the news
at bowling tonight, but now we'll just be
telling Matt and Alethea-so to keep it a secret still;)
We wrote it on the TV score board to surprise 
Matt and Alethea!;)
Everyone was so excited! 2 grand babies in one year!

the 2 preggos! both around 6 weeks!

so happy!!

congrats to them:)

with my boo. couldn't be happier;)

That night we asked Kelsey and Daniel to come 
over to the Carls house so we could "see" them:)
When they got there we told them too!
PS it was almost midnight...so we were all a 
little tired, esp Hayden-haha!
Can't wait for the 2 kiddos to play together;)

Happy Nana! First son's baby!

I think Hayden knows he's about to get 
a new play friend cousin. ;)

Anyway, so that's our story for the family!
We made it publicly official at 12 weeks.
And we decided to make the move to Austin
for Jordan to do his 3rd and 4th year
rotations for med school. That way we
are only 3 hours from family!
Its amazing how many of my close friends I have
found out are pregnant in the next few weeks!
One of my dear friends (and med student wife)
 Elizabeth has the SAME
due date as me and Jenn and she is expecting twins!
So October is going to be crazy:)
I literally know 8 pregnant friends right now
all due this year-Yay for 2012!
God is good, and we are so blessed to share this
wonderful blessing with our friends and family:)

thanks for reading!


Steph said...

And you thought you were missing out on being pregnant with all your friends - isn't God's perfect timing just amazing?!

Abbi.Alloway said...

When do you find out the sex of the baby?? I am so anxious!!!

Lauren Coats said...

Yay! Your baby will be Hayden's cousin though...not neice or nephew! Haha!

jordanandrachel said...

Ha! I need to fix that don't I?? :) It was late...
We find out the sex tomorrow!:)
And yes, Steph, God's timing is perfect!

Angie said...

Rachel, I just happened upon your blog and I am sooooo glad I did! I am so happy for ya'll. You are no doubt go to be an amazing mommy! There is NOTHING quite like it! Congratulations. We wish you were still here!

jordanandrachel said...

So great to hear from you!:) Thank you so much!! IT was good to see you a few weeks ago:)