Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kansas Trip 2012

On November 5th Deb, Emma, Gabe, Conrad and I 
decided to drive to Kansas for Lileigh's adoption.
Her adoption was scheduled for Tuesday, Nov 6th at 10:30am
in St. Francis, Kansas (their home town).
We left after Conrad's first feeding (around 4:00am) and drove almost straight
through to a town about an hour out from St. Francis because we were
surprising them:)

Emma was so helpful in the car!

Conrad just started fitting in regular newborn (8-10lbs) outfits this week! 
Before he had to wear the smaller newborn outfits (5-7lb size)

Funny pics in the car!! 

how much longer mom?!

I need to go!!!

Eating breakfast at the hotel the morning before the adoption:

Conrad in his special adoption shirt:)

Nana made special shirts for all of us to wear. They said:
"We are family, Lileigh Landers" and then our relation to
Lileigh....(i.e. Aunt Emma, Nana, Uncle Gabe)

Walking in to the adoption-Becca was completely surprised!!

This is Jordan's mom (Nana) with Becca (Jordan's oldest sister) and Becca's
youngest: Jackson and Lileigh -who was being adopted today!

Keeping Jackson company during the adoption:)

Such a neat thing to witness:

The Landers Family, now a family of 6!

Me and Con (4 weeks old:)

All of us after the adoption was complete!

I love his baseball outfits:)

Started using the wubbanub this week

Adoption party that night at their house:

Lileigh Grace:
She was18 months old at the time of adoption. 
They got her through the foster care system, from the hospital, when she was born 14 weeks early.
They did a great job taking care of her and she is thriving now:)

Conrad got his first real bath tonight!! He loved it so much, especially with Grace and
Emma helping:)

Jordan was watching via face time:

Another picture of him in the bath. It was so cute!!

Taking a nap the next day with me:)

Grace playing with the big kids!

Becca and Conrad!

Trip to McDonald's -pretty exciting around here!! :)

He's pretty excited about his 1st trip to McDonalds....

candid conrad.

Jeff's Birthday!! He's 37

Conrad on his heap of laundry....

Nana and her craziness......

Jayce and Gabe making up raps...hehe

Watching funny videos on the iPhone 

this little wig came free with Madagascar 3...


Becca let me borrow this awesome pouch from Kangaroo Korner. It is no longer
available, so I am so grateful! He loves to snuggle up with me:)
I'm so grateful I went on the trip because that was the last week I was on a NEW
antibiotic....and it made Conrad really gassy and fussy-especially at night. It was
miserable, I felt so bad for him. I'm glad to be done with all the medicine!!

Funny video of Conrad just sleeping/chillin...


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

That's so neat that Becca was surprised! Love adoption. Can't wait to start the process!!
Good post! Loved seeing you so much this week :)

jordanandrachel said...

I'm just now reading this comment;/ I've been so behind on so many things!! :) I agree, its awesome!!! Loved seeing you and your cute new boo too!!