Sunday, November 4, 2012

The first with a newborn

On October 2nd, at the hospital, just about to start the induction...
I am 37 weeks on the day!  

I'm still holding off on the very detailed birth story. Here is the
short version:

 I went in at 5:30pm on Tuesday night, started the induction at 6:00pm:

(rest of the story below:)

This sticker was quite fitting:)

No food allowed, but these popsicles sure were yummy!;)
Trying to stay positive

The doctor broke my water at 11:30am on Wednesday-I was still on pitocin, (raising it
2 by 2)  and I had really horrible back labor. At 2:00 pm still only at 2 cm!
Once the pit was raised to 26, I couldn't take it anymore with the back labor. I
was shaking, crying and in too much pain-no position was comfortable to sit, lie
or stand. They turned the pit off at 3:00 while I waited for the epidural around 3:30pm.
After that, they turned the pit back on and I was feeling somewhat better.

 Around 5:30 I started having painful piggy back
contractions (one lasted for 7 minutes and was 4 contractions in a row-no break;/ )
that caused Conrad to have some decels (heart rate dropping) which were a cause
for concern that he may be in distress. After that they turned the pitocin off to give Conrad
 (and me) a break. The doctor came in and asked
again if I wanted to proceed with a C section (he had asked me before we
induced b/c of his size and other factors). 
I was very adamant about having him vaginally if at all possible, so he went
ahead and turned the pit off and let me "labor it out" some.

Around 7:00pm I was finally at 4cm and 70% effaced-at this point 
I was contracting every 2-3 minutes on my own with no pitocin.
9:00pm I was finally 9 cm! and 90% effaced. Our moms were in the room
at the time, they screamed with joy!! haha.
They turned the pit back on and said they would check me again around 12:00am.

Dr. came at 12:00am and said I was more like an "8", not 9cm, 
but I am 90% effaced, he would come back in 2 hours....(and also
offered the C section again since it had been so long...again, I refused, 
and wanted to wait the extra 2 hours-that was the last chance he was giving me)
I kept on focusing on the end, and not trying
to get discouraged. The lights were low, and I was laying there with
my eyes closed, as each contraction came, focusing on my breathing while Jordan and the nurse watched the heart monitor to make sure Conrad's heart rate was ok.
They also inserted an intrauterine pressure monitor to measure my contractions
more accurately. 

Around 1:30am, the nurse checked me after I said I felt like I need 
to start pushing. She said I was finally at a 10!! and she let me do some practice pushes.
From then on I pushed with each contraction. She said she could feel the head, but Conrad was just not coming down, so we increased the pit again to see if that would help.
I pushed with each contraction that came, until about 4:30am
when I started to get a fever. She called the doctor, and he asked again about 
the C section, and I asked him if I could just push a little 
while longer, and he agreed, but this was my
last chance before he would want to go ahead with the 
C section. 
At 6:00am the fever was going up as well as Conrad's heart rate was increasing,
over the 170's. We were getting scared and concerned, not just for him,
but for me as well as it had now been 4 hours of non stop pushing.
They turned off the pit and the nurse called the doctor in to see
what our options were since he still wasn't down far enough....
The doctor checked me, and gave us 3 options:
C Section, a Vacuum, or Forceps.
With the C section, Dr said he would have to "push Conrad back in more"
to be able to take him out that way,
with the Vacuum though, he said, if it slips off, we 
can't do the forceps after that, they would have to do a c section.
This was a very emotional time for us, at this point we were both
a little scared/worried. It had been so long, and the accels and decels Conrad
was having scared us, as well as the fact that my fever was rising...I just
really needed to get him out-healthy (me and him) was very scary.

So, as you know by now, I really didn't want the C section-so we opted for the
forceps. I knew my brother had them (Josh) and he turned out just fine.

So about 6:10am everyone came in to get all the stuff ready, Jordan and I
were praying together and trying to control our emotions, praying everything would
turn out fine. 
About 6:20am the doctor put those forceps in (ouch!) and said on the next contraction
to push...and voila! 6:25am he came out in 2 final pushes! Whew!
Thank heavens!! Healthy and just as beautiful as can be!!

We held him for about 10 min right after he came out, then we let them clean him off, etc. 
It was beyond amazing.

Thursday morning, 6:25am
Weight on the scale; 7lb 2 oz
Length: 20 1/4 inches

holding him:

in our post partum room:

funny faces:

so sweet!!

these warm cookies arrived in our room!! Thanks Uncle Josh and Aunt Jenn!

Skin to skin:)

love this baby!

He weighed 6lbs 9oz the next night

On Saturday, October 6th, after his circumcision, they let us go home!!

His newborn clothes are a bit too big, but he still looks cute!:)

Proud Dad:

Snuggled up at home:)

His first visitors at our house that night:
Josh and Taylor:)

Finally got to shower and fix my hair!

So then, on Sunday night I started having chills, but just thought I was cold...
Monday afternoon I realized I had a low fever (around 99). Called the
doctors office who called me in some antibiotics that my mom picked 
up that afternoon for me. I started to take them that evening. 
Later that evening I started having chills, severe shaking, uncontrollable body rigors,
and back pain. (which I wasn't sure if it was from the back labor or not, I have 
a bad back, so we weren't sure). By now my fever was up to 101...and then 102...
and kept rising every 10-30min. At about 11:00am my fever was up to 103.5 and 
I couldn't not control my body (all the above was still going on)...the doctor called us
back and asked us to come in immediately to the L&D emergency. My mom
called an ambulance that came and took me to the hospital. They did blood work to
check for an infection, and an ultrasound to check for any parts of the placenta that may be
left. Finally, around 3:00am they told me that I had pyelonephritis, a serious infection of the kidneys. 
Probably from the fact that I had the catheter taken out when I started pushing and pushed for
4 hours with an IV still in me and didn't go to the bathroom until about 11:00am the next day...
who knows! They put my on 24 hour antibiotics in the hospital and monitored me.
Here is Conrad in my room with me:)
Thankfully my mom was there, and Alethea came down to help too!

Jordan, poor thing, was exhausted from helping and going to work early every day.
Here he is napping in the hospital room with Con:

My mom and conrad:

Finally going home from the hospital!!!

Bella was glad:

We gave him a bath the next night-first time!!

He was not a he loves it:)

Look at that smile!!

Jordan's mom came on Wednesday night (After I got home from the hospital)
to help out for a week. It was fun having all the visitors around!

His first walk (jordan isn't mad, he's trying to look serious..haha)

In the Moby:

On a walk with me!!!

Lots of sleeping going on:)

Conrad LOVES music!!!

Not so much tummy time...
(PS his cord fell off in 5 days!!!)
 Skinny little dude!!
He weighs only 6 lb 12 oz here!

Oh yea, so then, after I left the hospital, they kept my on antibiotics at home for another week.
Apparently I was allergic to the kind they gave me. The weekend after I finished the pills,
I got a bad rash everywhere! We went to an urgent care clinic to get some medicine to help
with it, and found out I still have the infection, so I was given more antibiotics....

Just chillin:)

Josh and Taylor come over to visit often, Conrad loves the company;)

Around 3 weeks we introduced the pacifier;) He liked it!

At his one month appointment! Now weighing 8 lbs 15 oz!!
He's growing fast;)

And he's happy about that:) 
what a cutie!!

whew....hopefully next month will be better (as far as health issues go:)
We are certainly praying for that!
However, our little blessing is such a joy. He makes a lot of funny faces,
noises and we just love his sweet smile;)

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