Thursday, November 20, 2008

the woes of teaching?

Ok, so I'm starting to get angry about this, but I just keep telling myself-2 days till Thanksgiving...2 days till Thanksgiving. What am I angry about?? oh, just the fact that I had just started to feel much better this past Sunday and up until Wed morning when I feeling SICK as a dog, again. Same symptoms as before. Luckily I got to sit all day and observe another teacher (which was a lot of fun and very helpful-it made me feel a LOT better about the things I'm already doing in my classroom) but then when I got home, I felt SO tired and worn out, and sick-and I didn't even do anything! I couldn't do anything but lay down and snot everywhere (sorry for the graphic image). Anyway-very frustrating....I just need to make it through 2 more days of school and HOPEFULLY after the wonderful resting time of Thanksgiving I will feel better!
Ok, now I feel better I got all that off my chest!=)


robineilene said...

Welcome to one of the biggest blessings of being a teacher! Vacation! I know we all need this week to relax, focus on our FAMILY only, and rejuvenate! It's amazing how refreshed you will feel when we go back after a week off! :)

Jo Brock said...

Get you some echinacea! You can get it at Sprouts for like less than $10! You will feel better within 2-3 days! Sorry you are feeling bad...that stinks.

Anonymous said...

hey rach! i hope you're feeling better now! i've been struggling with sinus/allergy problems myself. probably still adjusting to the different climate up here though. anyway, i agree with you about it being easier to watch tv! we have certain shows we watch every week, but we've been going to the library on the weekends because it's free! this weekend i got 9 more books, but we found out that the limit is 300, so no worries there! haha. let me know if you ever need a good book recommendation :) enjoy your week off, and we do need to get together when i'm home in january!

Jo Brock said...

Hey! Movies, that is fun! What did you see? We just saw The Changeling this morning! I liked it! "Earthy kinda mom" that is funny! I can definitely tell you some of the stuff I do! Jordan doesn't want to go "eco-friendly?"