Sunday, October 3, 2010

AF Parade

I can't believe its been 2 months since I have updated Jordan's Graduation Parade. Well, better late than never. The day after Jordan's graduation they had a Graduation parade. All of the graduates learned how to march correctly, and were presented as their last thing before being finished with Officer Training School.
Here are some pictures from that awesome day! (Although it was WAY hot in Alabama, let me tell you!)

After the parade we went in their 'flight room' and the Flight Commander gave out awards

'Outstanding Achievement' in Flight Contribution! =)

Taking some pictures afterwards outside with our graduate!

What a beautiful day!!!

The kiddo's wanted to see him in his ABU's, so we took some pics with them 
back at the hotel=) They had their coordinating outfits!

We went out to eat at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. You can tell he is worn out!=)

My favorite picture:

1 comment:

Casey & Lauren Coats said...

I really like your dress in the last picture!