Monday, October 1, 2012

3rd Trimester Photos+3rd Baby Shower

On September 15th I had my last baby shower for Conrad!!
It was at laMadeline, hosted by Jennifer and Alethea Kirby and Taylor Lord!
It turned out to be so perfect, and I had a blast.
(I had delayed my appointment to Monday so I could sneak away to Dallas
one last time for my shower;)

Also, these photos will be serving as my "3rd Trimester Photo Shoot" ;)
photos, courtesy of Taylor Lord Photography

Adorable invite:

My lovely hostesses!!!
A special thank you to them for all their hard work and time put into this-I know
they all have very busy lives and lots going on, and it means the world to me that
they did this for me;) It was awesome!!

gorgeous decor: (napkins courtesy of JustKateEtc. )

favors: yum.

I love the balloons, and pictures to add the personal touches:

awesome newborn photo prop gift filled with MORE gifts!! thanks Jenn:)

what a cake!!

I got this notebook at my first shower, I loved it so much I have brought
it to all of my others ones since then to keep track of gifts:)

I loved the idea the girls had of bringing a book in lieu of a card:

Swollen, but happy!!! :) 

Sister in laws:
beautiful bestie:


so glad family was there!


2 of my many preggo friends;) Crystal and Lauren!
(Due March and December:)

I wish I had gotten pictures with everyone:/ I tried to! It was so great to see
so many friends and family;)

Ok, so gift time!

Emma was such a good helper:)

funny faces and lots of laughter-showers are so fun!

this was taken on my phone at the end to send to Jordan...tired and ready to go relax;)

I went home the next morning with Taylor back to Austin. I was so
exhausted from the trip. Jordan was so helpful he got everything out of the car,
carried it upstairs and we laid everything out so he could see ALL the things we got!
I was overwhelmed at how much people gave!! 
What a blessing to have friends and family
that are willing to take time out of their day to come and shower us with love, support and gifts,
we are beyond grateful. Also, Bella still thinks she is the center of attention (or she wants
to be you see her in the loot?:)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! Conrad is so blessed beyond words!

I will be 35 weeks in a couple that I have everything,
the compete nursery reveal is next!